October 6, 2021
Grade 1 had fun using shaving cream to sound out and spell their spelling words today.
October 5, 2021
We were so happy to be able to host our first home soccer game after a year of COVID restrictions. The day was beautiful and the kids had a great time!
October 1, 2021
October 1, 2021
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students, and School Board Members:
On September 10 th our district instituted an indoor mask mandate. This mandate w...
September 30, 2021
Grade 6 made birthday cards for Mrs. Florence Smith, of Jonesport. She is the grandmother of Stacey Balicki, our CNA instructor at CWCIT. Mrs. Smith is a retired Coast Guardsman...
September 27, 2021
Pre-K worked on their fine motor skills today, while reviewing colors and practicing their counting skills.
September 27, 2021
Grade 2 picked their pumpkins from the pumpkin patch today. Each child will have a pumpkin to take home!
September 25, 2021
Grade 2 celebrated Johnny Appleseed’s birthday. Second graders were able to make and enjoy applesauce. Everyone tried it and most loved it!
September 24, 2021
Sept. 24, 2021
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students, and School Board Members:
On September 10 th our district instituted a two-week indoor mask mandate. This ma...
September 17, 2021
Pre-K had lots of fun making applesauce today. This comes after learning about the life cycle of an apple tree. Though they enjoyed making the applesauce they liked eating their...
September 16, 2021
They planted the seeds, Amanda C. harvested it, Mrs. Cirone cooked it in the pressure cooker, and Grade 1 enjoyed corn on the cob... with butter of course!
September 16, 2021
The PTSG held a very successful "Mum Sale". With 1765 mums being sold, the many volunteers made quick work of the unloading and sorting the flowers. Thank you to all who made thi...
September 15, 2021
Mrs. Cirone's, Grade 1 received their fist book from Dirigo Reads. They are excited to share Cows Can't Jump with their families. HES is one of 50 schools in the state partici...
September 13, 2021
Mr. Chick's Science classes headed out to the Nature Trail today to do scientific observations and take field notes on the environment.
September 10, 2021
Sept. 10, 2021
Dear Parents, Guardians, Staff, Students, and School Board Members:
On Wednesday, August 18 th , our School Board voted to open schools without a mask ...
September 4, 2021
Grade 2 went on a book walk Friday afternoon. Mrs. Leackfeldt, Grade 2 teacher, placed the iconic book Blueberries for Sal along the Nature Trail at Harrington Elementary Sch...
August 28, 2021
“In a World Where Your Child Can Be Anything…Encourage Him/Her To Be Kind!”
August 28, 2021
Dear Harrington Elementary School Families,
I hope that you all have h...
June 3, 2021
Grade 2 took to the Outdoor Classroom for Math Thursday afternoon.
June 3, 2021
The Student Council at HES sponsored a "Shootout For Cancer" last Friday, May 28th. Students paid $5.00 to participate with 10 shots and the winner in each grade won $10.00!! The...
June 2, 2021
Pre-K had a great time learning about plant cycles with Miss Hazel. They had studied animal cycles last week and were excited to show what they knew and learn more.