December 5, 2020
Dear HES Families,
I wanted to reach out to you and hopefully answer any questions you may have. Yesterday’s events are why we keep our students in “pods”, are vigilant about wearing masks, and constantly sanitizing hands. The student who has tested positive had stayed home Thursday due to a cough, so that student had not been in school since Tuesday. The parent received information that a family member had tested positive and contacted me first thing Friday morning, kept her children home, and went to be tested. I was contacted by the parent immediately of the positive result and I contacted the Superintendent and district nurse, Amanda Tozier. Mr. Ramsay decided in the interest of safety and to alleviate unnecessary worry to close school early and remain closed until Thursday.
Please understand what “pods” mean, classes do not have contact with other classes. Each class has their meals as a group (sitting separated), they have recess together as a class, and they do not leave the room for Art, Music, or Guidance. They stay in their classroom and instructors come to the room. The positive case was only in contact with their class, and members of that class have been notified.
No student from that class rode the bus home and the positive student is not a bus rider. Friday I had faculty and staff go home at 1:00 and the janitors have completely sanitized (deep-cleaned) the building. No one will be in the building this weekend.
Students were sent home with computers or iPads to facilitate their distance learning for Monday through Wednesday. They will be using the red COVID packets that were sent home a few weeks ago and turn in the completed work on Thursday. As with our other remote days, your student needs to return completed work on Thursday to be “present” on these days.
It is definitely a scenario I hoped not to have happen, but I am proud of the students, faculty, and staff of Harrington Elementary for “pulling” together to get through this.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, please feel free to email me.
Thank-you for your support,
Susan V. Meserve, Principal