Mrs. Meserve was pleased to award students with Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance awards for the first quarter. With a school year that has been very different ,and at times difficult, for everyone, these students persevered, worked hard and maintained Honor Roll status. Receiving All A Honor Roll in Grade 6 were Colin Phinney and Erica Rackliff. Receiving Honor Roll in Grade 6 Victoria Bickford, Zoey Blomgren, Kyle Dorr, Ryder Fenton, Kaitlyn Grant, and Keyontae Pinkham. In Grade 5 Madelyn Chipman, Collin Emerson, Ramsey Fenton, Isaic Redimarker, and Emma Shaw received All A Honor Roll. Also from Grade 5, receiving Honor Roll were Audrina Andrade-Lara, Landon Cirone, Arthur Forgue, Carter Haycock, Maddox Hurlbert, Kara McConnell, Brody Robertson, Heather Smith, Brae-don Sonthonax, Nolan Tenan, and Lola Worcester. Receiving All A Honor Roll in Grade 4 were Bailey Denbow and Brice Nichols. Receiving Honor Roll from Grade 4 were Grace Bright, Macey DeHahn, Nataya Merchant, Garrett Gay, and Lucien Neelis. In Grade 3 the following students received Honor Roll: Wesley Chipman, Laney Emerson, Nathan Shaw, and Carlee Thompson. We are very proud of these scholars.
Honor Roll at HES
December 3, 2020