Hawk Happenings- Week of February 24, 2025
We hope you had a great vacation week! We are so excited to have you back at school and ready to learn!
PLEASE make sure your child knows their after-school plans and if there is a change, please send a note. We are receiving numerous phone calls during the day and it can cause confusion for students.
It is Phys. Ed. Week- Please don't forget sneakers!
Grades 3 & 4 Skills & Drills/Schedule/Permission Forms will also come home this week.
We will be looking for help with concessions for home basketball games! Be on the look out for more information!
Upcoming Dates/Reminders:
February 26: School Board Meeting at Narraguagus
February 28: Quarter 3 Progress Reports
March 13: Early Release (11:30)
March 14: No School, Teacher Workshop Day
March 25: G/T Trip to Downeast Institute
March 28: Performance of Hansel & Gretel at The Grand in Ellsworth for Grades 4, 5, 6 (Permission slips and more details will be sent home in March)
April 4: Quarter 3 Grades Close
April 10: Cynthia Lord Author Visit
April 11: Fundraiser Night! SAVE THE DATE!
April 17: Early Release (11:30) for Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 18: Early Release at 11:30
April 19-27: April Vacation