8th Graders Basketball

Hawk Happenings- Week of February 5, 2024

📌It is Art Week!
📌 Student Council is selling tickets for a Valentine’s Raffle Basket for 50 cents each. Students may buy these during the day.
📌Permission slips for the field trip to the EdGE Center for Winter Fun Day for Grades 1, 2, 4, & 6 will come home on Monday. Parents/guardians are invited to meet us at the EdGE Center to participate in this day!

10:30 Weather Presentation by Steve McKay for Grades 3-6
Boys’ Basketball Practice: 3:00-4:30
Girls’ Prelim Game at Daniel W. Merritt Elementary School at 5:00, Bus TBD

✅ Tuesday:
Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance Assembly at 1:30
Boys’ Basketball Practice 4:00-5:30

✅ Wednesday:
Library Day
Grades 4 & 6 will travel to the EdGE Center for Winter Fun Day!
Dental Clinic by Sunrise Opportunities
Boys’ Semifinal Basketball Game at Narraguagus Jr/Sr High School: Time TBA

✅ Thursday: Dental Clinic by Sunrise Opportunities

✅ Friday:
Valentines Candy Gram Sheets & Money Due
Pre-K & Kindergarten Pizza with Pals at 11:00
Grades 1 & 2 will travel to the EdGE Center for Winter Fun Day!
Skills & Drills Basketball for Grades 3 & 4 (2:45-4:00)
Jr. High Western League Basketball Championship at Jonesport-Beals High School

🗓Plan Ahead🗓
-February 14: Valentine’s Day Parties (afternoon)
-February 16: Early Release at 11:30, Teacher Workshop
-February 17-25: No School, Vacation!